Hi! I’m a business consultant, bookkeeper, writer, entrepreneur, wife, mom, grand mom, aunt, friend and workaholic. I’ve mastered the art of staying busy and working my tush off. For the better part of my life, being productive and multitasking were synonymous.
It is only recently, that I’ve come to find, that multitasking and productivity are NOT synonymous, but multi tasking and stressful certain should be. As I searched the internet for information on unitasking, I found a lack of information. It’s my intention, in 2020 to be more mindful, peaceful and focused on my tasks and to utilize laser like focus in my work life.
They say that teaching is the best way to learn, so together we can explore this glorious new world of mindful, focused activity – unitasking. We’ll explore the concept of 1-2 hour focused, unitasking stints of activity and the unholy idea of turning off our phones and all notifications from mail, Skype, Telegram, Whatsapp, Slack and even Carrier Pigeons!